Best way to Debug: Create a Video!
I had this crappy bug in my Delaunay triangulation code. Stepping through all the edge cases is a bit of a pain. So, instead I decided to just write out each step as an image and create a video from it (so I can see how the triangulation progresses). Viola! Found the bug (you can see where I step across the boundary into the interior when removing the exterior triangles). Thought this looked cool so decided to post it here.
Hack of the day (or last couple days)
Playing around with my LSystem language, I wanted to fix up the leaves on my generated trees. Unfortunately, I am using Helix3D for rendering (this was work related so I didn't use my own rendering code). Adding in transparent objects isn't easy so I wanted to make a simple program that would take an image with transparency and generate a mesh that matches the shape of the object. Thus, I started to write this small app over the weekend. Still have a bit of work to do, but at this point I am able to generate a mesh (first doing contour extraction and then using Delaunay triangulation of the extracted path). Should have the final version out sometime this week.
So I've been toying around with this idea in ML that involves a L-System. So I hacked together a super simple app that lets you build an L-System using a simple recursive descent parser for a tiny language I made up. I love working on these little languages, especially when married with computer graphics. Below is a screen shot from my simple app I hacked together yesterday.
Great ML Cheat Sheet
Found this the other day. Awesome:
Here is another cheat sheet:
Raw strings
Who in their right mind would come up with the syntax for raw strings in C++?!?
I recently had to use the raw string syntax (defining a #define from solution variable). I mean, seriously WTF:
Compare this to C#:
C++ is becoming a mess of a language.
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