- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Graphics/Vision Books
- Hits: 2382
Below is a list of computer science (mostly computer graphics/vision) books I own. This page is here mostly for my own reference. If you need to borrow one let me know (assuming I personally know you).
Computer Graphics
Computer Vision
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
Computer Vision for Visual Effects
Image-Based Rendering
Image Processing
Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing
Digital Image Processing - 1st Edition Gonzalez & Woods
Machine Learning
Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Approach
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA
An Introduction to Statistical Learning
Essentials of Engineering Mathematics
Geometric Algebra for Physicists
Calculus One and Several Variables
Partial Differentia: Equations for Scientists and Engineers
General Computer Science
Data Compression: The Complete Reference
Fundamentals of Data Structures
Implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Programming Languages
The Annotated C++ Reference Manual
Programming in Objective-C 2.0
A Small C Compiler: Language, USage, Theory and Design
PostScript Language: Tutorial and Cookbook
Postscript Language: Reference Manual
Software Engineering
Agile Software Development with Scrum
Old and Out of Date Books
OSF Motif Programmers Reference
XLib Programming Manual (dark blue)
XLib Programming Manual (light blue)
X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual
The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System
.NET and COM: The Complete Interoperability Guide