
Below is a list of computer science (mostly computer graphics/vision) books I own. This page is here mostly for my own reference. If you need to borrow one let me know (assuming I personally know you).

Computer Graphics

Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics Great book for introduction to geometric algebra
Polygon mesh processing This is an excellent book to read if you plan to do any sort of sophisticated mesh processing
Focus On Photon Mapping An okay book for introduction to photon mapping. One of those books where there is lots of sample code in the book.
Three-Dimensional Model Analysis and Processing Comment here...
Real-Time Rendering - 2nd Edition Comment here...
Real-Time Rendering - 3rd Edition Comment here...
Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis Comment here...
Point-Based Rendering Comment here...
Real-Time Collision Detection Comment here...
Wavelets for Computer Graphics Comment here...
High Dynamic Range Imaging Comment here...
Level of Detail for 3D Graphics Comment here...
Physics-Based Animation Comment here...
The Geometry Toolbox Comment here...
GPGPU Programming for Games and Science Comment here...
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice Comment here...
Fractal Programming and Ray Tracing with C++ Comment here...
Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach Comment here...
Andrew Glassner's Other Notebook Comment here...
Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics Comment here...
Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation Comment here...
An Introduction to Ray Tracing Comment here...
Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics Comment here...
3-D Computer Animation Comment here...
Deformable Surface: 3D Reconstruction from Monocular Images Comment here...
Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques Comment here...
Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics Comment here...
Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists Comment here...
Programming Vertex and Pixel Shaders Comment here...
Fundamentals of Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics
3D Computer Graphics Wrong picture of book cover Comment here...
3D Games
Graphics Gems
Graphics Gems II
Graphics Gems III I've misplaced this book
Graphics Gems IV
Game Programming Gems
Game Programming Gems 2
Game Programming Gems 3
Game Programming Gems 4
GPU Gems
GPU Gems 2
GPU Gems 3

Computer Vision

Multiple View Geometry

Image Based Rendering

Video Based Rendering

Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications

Computer Vision for Visual Effects

Image-Based Rendering

Image Processing

Digital Image Processing

Digital Image Warping

Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing

Digital Image Processing - 1st Edition Gonzalez & Woods

Machine Learning

Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Approach

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA

Deep Learning with Python

An Introduction to Statistical Learning


Elementary Linear Algebra

Essentials of Engineering Mathematics

Introduction to Probability

Geometric Algebra for Physicists

Convex Geometric Analysis

Calculus One and Several Variables

Oriented Projective Geometry

Partial Differentia: Equations for Scientists and Engineers

Convex Optimization

Introduction to Optimization

General Computer Science

Data Compression: The Complete Reference

The Data Compression Book

Fundamentals of Data Structures

Data Structure Techniques

Introduction to Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms in Search

Implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Cracking the Coding Interview

Programming Languages

More Effective C++

Effective C++

C++ for C Programmers

JavaScript: The Good Parts

The Annotated C++ Reference Manual

Advanced C++

Programming in Objective-C 2.0

Understanding SQL

A Small C Compiler: Language, USage, Theory and Design

PostScript Language: Tutorial and Cookbook

Postscript Language: Reference Manual

Software Engineering

Writing Secure Code

Writing Secure Code 2

Writing Solid Code


Design Patterns

Refactoring to Patterns

Agile Software Development with Scrum

The Pragmatic Programmer

Software Engineering Concepts

Code Complete

The Mythical Man Month

Software Estimation

Old and Out of Date Books


Motify 2.1

OSF Motif Programmers Reference

POSIX Programmers Guide

Advanced Unix Programming

X Toolkit Intrinsics

XLib Programming Manual (dark blue)

XLib Programming Manual (light blue)

X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual

PHIGS Programming Manual

OSF/Motif Programmers Guide

Motif Programming Manual (#6)

The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System

.NET and COM: The Complete Interoperability Guide

From Images to Surfaces

The Design of the Unix Operating System

iPhone 3 Development