I am currently looking at implementing meshing of point clouds using Radial Basis Functions (RBF) as outlined in the paper Reconstruction and Representation of 3D Objects with Radial Basis Functions by Carr et al. This paper uses the Fast Multipole Method with which I was unfamiliar. The paper points to a tutorial A short course on fast multipole methods. While trying to grok what is outlined in this tutorial, I wanted to plot some simple data. So, I started to look around for a 2D plotting package with C++ bindings. I didn't find a lot of great choices. First thing I looked at was Matplotlib, but this requires Python. Blech. My coworker then pointed me to ImPlot, which is built on top of ImGui (which I was already using for UI elements... see Dear ImGui). I have to say, for adding simple 2D plots to your app, its pretty nice. Below is a screen shot of the one of the real-time graph examples that comes with ImPlot.