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I made a HUGE mistake the other day. My computer at home was getting a bit long in the tooth, so I decided it was time to upgrade. My boss had recently built a new computer for work with parts from Newegg. So I started with his parts list and modified it slightly (didn't need a core i9, but did need front slots for DVD, etc). So I ended up buying:

Total with tax came to just shy of $2050. Paid newegg the $75 to ship it overnight. Super excited to get it the next day, until I started to put it together. I forgot how tedious it is building a machine. After I finally got it all assembled, I go to switch it on and *poof*. Lights on the motherboard flicker once and shutoff. Nothing is running (no fans, no lights, etc). So I start to try to diagnosis what can be the issue: checking all the connectors and making sure everything is in the right place, etc. I then started to remove all the peripherals, until I get down to just the motherboard and the power supply. Still same result. So at this point I believe it is either the power supply or the motherboard. The only other alternative is that the motherboard must have a CPU or memory or some combination. I ended up buying a new power supply from